A Minimalist's Dilemma

I’ve come across a minimalist's dilemma.

Throughout my minimising journey, I've managed to clear my desk down to an aesthetically-pleasing single laptop - and that’s it. Unfortunately, I've recently discovered that laptops are a nightmare for your health, particularly in the angling of the screen forcing the user to constantly look down and create strain for your lower back. That's why I've had to reconsider my minimalist priorities and align them with my health. I had to ask: Which is more important - minimalism, or my health? Of course I would choose my health, but how would my desk look? What can I do to maintain a minimalist aesthetic?

The answer I came to was to prop up my laptop on a high-quality minimalist-style stand, replaced my desk chair with an ergonomic option, and have ordered a simple but aesthetically-pleasing wireless keyboard that will perfectly complement the new desk layout.

Minimalism doesn't have to be painful, but once I decided on how it 'sparked joy' for me, I hadn't considered that I would need to buy "more stuff" to facilitate a healthier lifestyle, so this dilemma has forced me to re-think what minimalism is for me. Thankfully due to my regular practicing of minimalism, the purchase process for these new 'things' has been fairly simple and with one rule - do it once, and do it right. The things I have bought didn't break the bank, but they will keep my desk in minimalist order and improve my long-term health.

What's more important - an aesthetic desk layout, or implementing a better setup to maintain healthier habits? Thankfully, the minimalist in me found a way to achieve both.

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